Week 6-Copper Leaf Earrings

I've been raiding my spare parts box again. I'm fortunate that there is a very talented metalmsith and jewelry artist, Debbie Fehrenbach, who teaches occasional workshops in my area. Last year I took a fold forming class from Debbie and the first thing I tried was a couple of fold formed and corrugated copper leaf shapes. In keeping with my resolution (that I only occasionally follow) to use the supplies that I have and quit buying new ones, I got these out the other day, trimmed them up to match, oxidized them and wired pearls to them. I really like them but as soon as I finished them, I was kicking myself for not using oxidized silver wire instead. On the other hand, I like them enough that I hesitate to take them apart and redo them for fear that they won't come out as well. Sometimes I just need to learn to leave well enough alone. Be sure and check out Debbie's work at www.fehrenbachjewelry.com

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