2/19/10 Part 2!

I told you I'd try to post for different time zones : ) I stay up until 7am this morning watch Boys Over Flowers, and spent the time making bracelets. It's so great to multitask, except now my right shoulder hurts. When I wind my arm/shoulder, I can hear weird sounds lol. It's probably just a bit tired. I'll be fine, I'm still young! I'm taking a break right now watching the Olympics, ice dancing. All the female skaters are so pretty! I love their hair & makeup. I wonder who does Olympian makeup? lol That's something to think about!

Thank you for your support & encouragement. Without you all, I wouldn't be making these! I'm usually pretty lazy, but I've been motivated to get these color schemes out of my head this month. I have a few more ideas up my sleeves ;)

I really do go through phases, and this is my bracelet phase. I remember a few months ago...I'd avoid making charm bracelets like no other. I wouldn't even make one for my cousin cause I was lazy. Maybe I just don't like being told what to do. I dunno...I'm a weirdo.

After February ~ I'm going to take a break from the Everything Bracelets, and focusing on gold necklaces.

Shoutout to Bema, I'm still working on your Elements Bracelets ~ :)
Just to keep ya updated. I'm just still figuring out how I want to put them together.
It's hard for me to visualize what you've visualizing in your descriptions for the bracelets.

The following bracelets will be ready to ship the second week of March
Please make note when shopping! Thank you!

They're one of a kind, and NO -- Sorry, I will not recreate them.

"Pink n' Primp"
7"-7 1/4 Sterling Silver Bracelet
Crystallized Swarovski
To Noriki!

"Sea Bling!"
7"-7 1/4 Sterling Silver Bracelet
Crystallized Swarovski
Thank you Christine!

"Saharan Sand"
7"-7 1/4 Sterling Silver Bracelet
Crystallized Swarovski
Thank you Victoria! :)

"Sea Horse's Treasures"
7"-7 1/4 Sterling Silver Bracelet
Crystallized Swarovski
Thank you Stephanie!

"Gems of Atlantis"
7"-7 1/4 Sterling Silver Bracelet
Crystallized Swarovski
It's your Sophary!

7"-7 1/4 Sterling Silver Bracelet
Crystallized Swarovski
Thank you Susan!

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