Gemstone Earrings [Light Amethyst]

"DSK's Light Amethyst Sterling Silver Earrings"
Light Amethyst from India
Sterling Silver Earrings & Wrap
***sold out completely***
Until the next gem faire :D

I'm still very new to working with natural gemstones. I can see myself working more with semi-precious/precious stones in the future when I'm older & know more about them.
I have been studying gemology books, but there are just so many types to learn!

How do you feel about gemstones?
Do you have favorite gemstones?

The one thing I love a lot about stones is that they always stay cold.

Recently, I was gifted two beautiful strands of mountain jade : )
I'm nervous to use them! Thank you Nonners for being a baller.
I'm going to try not to disappoint you. =P
Thanks for the added peer pressure lol.
Nonners say that most of my customers are Asians, so she felt that it's only appropriate.
I mean...we've all seen Mulan..and granny Mulan giving her a jade necklace before visiting the match maker.

Nonners has definitely got a good point!

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