Baby On Board

Jewelry hounds, I have good news and better news. The good news is: I am just about ready to give birth to my first baby!

The better news? It's a GIRL!!! (Do they make Dior diapers? Just asking...)

The not so great news is: I will obviously be otherwise occupied for a spell while I welcome our little bundle of joy into the world (and get used to life as a feeding machine). But don't worry - I will be posting updates every now and again during the next month, and will be back to my regular weekday post schedule in March (defintitely in time for the Oscars!).

In the meantime, I hope you all continue to gawk at bling with wild abandon on the homepage (peruse their Celebrity, Fashion and Jewelry News items), and on their Facebook and Twitter pages.

Until then, I remain your humble, diamond-loving, jewel-hunting, celebrity-worshiping, baby-birthing Jewelry Insider! Stay tuned!

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