[Monday] January 18th, 2010

Hey dolls,

I want to answer a few of the questions I received from yesterday's comment.

It sounds like you all would like to see more 18" to 24" sterling silver necklaces. That can definitely be done!

I had a few questions about gold necklaces ~ I am definitely working on bringing back Gold necklaces. It's just a bit hard right now to buy gold, since gold prices are constantly fluctuating. It's really hard to find beautiful gold chains without them being out of our price range.

I still do have the 14K White Gold! I just haven't decide what do with them yet! I may just offer just the chain necklaces for those who are allergic to sterling silver. I'll post about them soon. I'm still learning about 14K White Gold, I want to research as much as possible before I introduce them to DSK Jewelry. : )

I can definitely make more of the DSK Pegasus Necklaces for blog. What length do you girls prefer the Pegasus Necklaces on? 18"? or longer? Let me know in the comments. I really appreciate the feedback.

The shout of the day is to Renee!
I think I want this to become a daily thing, I really appreciate you girls for leaving your kind comments. I feel so blessed to be able to be a part of your life (even if it is for the 1-5 minutes you spend here everyday). ^_^

I love her idea! I know that would be a beautiful piece.

Renee e-mail me DSKJewelry@gmail.com, I want to dedicate that necklace to you & send you the first one as a gift when I'm able make it ^_~

I really appreciate your support!

I'm still working on getting the listings up for my official website. I know it's taking a long time but I just want it to be complete before I launch it. My blog is my preferred way regardless ~ I just love the community & blog posts just because it's where it all started. :)

"Dainty Rose Bracelet"
7" Sterling Silver Heart Link
Sale: $20

"Triple Fuchsia Heart, Peridot Starfish, AB Leaf"
18" Italian Sterling Silver Fine Helix Necklace

"Triple Amethyst Heart, Peridot Starfish, AB Leaf"
18" Italian Sterling Silver Fine Helix Necklace

"Little Light Amethyst Baroque Necklace"
16" Sterling Silver Cable Chain Necklace
Sale: $40

"Little AB Baroque Necklace"
16" Sterling Silver Cable Chain Necklace

"Triple Blues" - Requested to make a come back!
16" Italian Sterling Silver Fine Helix Necklace

Feel free to drop me a line in the comments : )
Catch you all later!

I'll leave you with my pet Betsy, she's a fancy bear hamster
I hope my readers aren't afraid of cute little critters!

DSK Betsy --my mini Panda bear


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