femke hiemstra does rock candy

i've been in long time love with femke hiemstra. her smoky and detailed fantasy landscapes are often coupled with outrageous characters, from vegetables to the floating head of marie antoinette. she often paints these dark beauties on unexpected objects, such as vintage book covers and within small tin cases. lately i've been researching color palates & am in awe of femke's diverse & sophisticated color choices. when i made the jump to painting from spending years of cultivating images with words, the most troubling part was and still is color. as i work towards my new show that has been happily pushed back until next year, i'll be sharing more work that inspires me in both form and color. for now, you can pick up a copy of her splendid book, rock candy, which would make a perfect christmas gift for the art lover or art lover to be. she's also showing new work this month at seattle's roq la rue with another favorite, junko mizuno, for all you lucky west coasters.

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