Exclusive DSK Everything Bracelets

These are the bracelet I spent April working on, they were all comissioned pieces.
And they all have owners, I just wanted to share with you why I've been so busy.
Packing, moving, moving sale, finishing up Everything Bracelets, administrative work.
Taxes were due back in April 15th! And we're just wrapping up our first quarter now.
It's been a crazy birthday month lol
And it's not over yet! We move in April 30th to our new place.
Well..."move in" as in get the keys...we still have to hire movers....
lol, I'm a last minute person, but I forgive myself!

I hope you like my bracelets!
I will be making new bracelets starting May 19th-May 30th
So if you're interested, mark your calendar! : )



#1 "at the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet"
Special thanks to Kimi for inspiring me on this piece : )

#2 Pink Baubles

#3 Baby Aurora

#4 Midnight Dreaming

#5 Sparrow's Flight

#6 Pastel Spring

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