Too many hobbies, not enough time...

by Izzy Winterhart

Don't know about you, but during the first few weeks of a new year I start pondering my use of time and making a game plan for the coming year.  2012 has brought me the realization that I have far too many hobbies.  But they are all hobbies that I love dearly and don't plan on dropping from my life.  So how does one keep up with said hobbies and projects without going completely mad?  Well, here are a few ideas that have managed to make their way into my overstuffed brain.  Feel free to add to the list.  

1.  Fill those few seconds of downtime.  I'm rather fortunate in that my day isn't filled with a full time job, but I do have plenty of other "life" obligations that can quickly fill my time.  So it seems my "downtime" is really between the hours of 8-10 at night.  I usually spend this time hanging out with my husband and four legged family watching Big Bang Theory or some other program or movie.  Luckily, however, I was born to multitask and can not sit for periods of time without doing something with my hands.  This Christmas I decided I didn't have enough hobbies (whatever) so I added knitting to the list.  I love to sit during those two hours and knit my little heart out.  I also take this time to draw, write (yes I can do that while watching the tube), make my "to do" list for the following day, plan meals, read blogs, etc.  Of course, there are times when my brain is exhausted and doing anything but "nothing" is not an option.

2.  Have mobile projects.  Everyone knows that if you make an appointment with the doctor or dentist at 9am your appointment is actually going to start at 10am.  It doesn't matter if you are there when the doors open, no appointment starts "on time".  Everyone who knows me knows that I'm not a "purse" kinda gal.  I carry tote bags for my purse.  The bigger the better.  Small luggage is even doable.  Then I load it down with whatever mobile project will fit.  Books, sketch pads, pencils, knitting, I cram it all in then I can pick and chose what I would like to occupy my "waiting" time.

3.  Keep a notepad or notebook of current ongoing projects or projects you wish to start in the near future.  One of my biggest most time consuming hobby that I ADORE is home improvement.  I'm always dragging my poor husband into some weekend project to redo something in this house.  It is never ending.  So between jewelry making, drawing, reading, writing, photography, knitting, gardening, bird watching and hiking I have to devote some pretty large chunks of time to house projects.  In order for my feeble brain to keep up with all I have to do, I make lists.  I am the queen of lists.  I can send myself email reminders, calendar reminders all day long but if I don't have my list I don't accomplish squat.  At the beginning of the week I list what I need to get done in my jewelry shop first and foremost, then I list the projects I currently have in order of completion time.  If it's not going to take long to complete it goes at the top of the list.  I break up the home improvement projects into smaller items so I can mix those in amongst other stuff.  For example we just spent the past few weeks building a new master closet and redoing our master bath.  I still need to touch up the walls in the closet, paint a few boards on the shoe racks, stain some wood for a bathroom item, etc.  Small stuff I can easily knockout while I'm waiting for the copper soaking in an etching bath.

4.  Keep projects out.  Nothing drives me more insane than to have guests over and in my panic to have a clean house I've stuffed everything laying out, that didn't necessarily need to be seen, into a drawer.  I have done it so much that I have no clue how many projects are laying in some spot that I'll probably never see again.  And to search for something is like searching for a four leaf clover in an avalanche.  Yep, down right impossible.  So brilliant me (yeah, right) decided to buy a couple of very pretty baskets with lids.  Each time I need to clean I throw all my projects in those dedicated baskets.  When the guests are gone, everything is still easily accessible and nothing is lost.  Brilliant I say.

5.  Multitasking.  As I mentioned earlier multitasking is an ideal way to keep things moving along.  I find many "gaps" of time in jewelry making.  Waiting on patina or lacquer or etching.  I am quick to seize those few minutes or hours to go do other stuff.  I can easily knock out a load of laundry, clean the kitchen and write a quick blog in the time it takes something to etch.  Not that I have laundry or kitchen on my hobby list, but you get my meaning.

I like that I have numerous hobbies.  I like that I feel the creative spirit in all my daily activities.  So I need to make sure I do it right.  I need to make sure I never burn out or feel I don't have time for something.  These are just a few things I plan to do in 2012 to make sure no hobby goes neglected.

Are you feeling the burden of hobby overload?  How do you make time for it all?

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