make runes of my wristbones. i'll let you.

above are some of the ghost scrolls written and hand sewn by my partner in 'darker, my love' & good friend, danielle vogel. it's interesting to huddle close with someone, to whisper ideas back and forth via a keyboard & to turn away from them, to work separately, yet always cupping the joined idea in mind. danielle & i grew up together on long island, that strange, beautiful space so near the sea. i feel lucky to have met her and even luckier that she agrees to be brave and share herself in this way with me. if you'd like to see the rest of her work for the show, slip over here to articulated gallery and let it seep in.
p.s. thanks to phantasmaphile, mlle ghoul & mathlyd under the pyramids for their kind posts about our show.

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