FastCompany Magazine

Robert Safian, the editor of FastCompany Magazine, sat next to me during the National Design Award Gala in October. He was warm and humorous, with a good ear for overly-excited moms who don't get out much. Listening more attentively than I imagined that night, I told him about the sadly dwindling numbers of braille readers over the last 50 years; I even taught him "60-second elevator braille," which, even amidst the melee of that crowded, beautiful hall, he got - just under the wire!

He's generously focused this month's Letter from the Editor on the reason for my having designed and made braille jewelry, trying to please as many tastes as possible, over the last 10 years. It's not about jewelry; it's not even about Ethan. It's about literacy...
which leads to independence and freedom we all want for ourselves and our family.

Thank you very much, Bob, for your attention and interest!

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