The aging journey of my beautiful, brown eyes...

by Izzy Winterhart

"Age is an issue of mind over matter. 
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
~ Mark Twain

This past January I turned 42.  I've had bifocals since I was 39.  I spend my jewelry making days looking at my pieces through my bifocals, over the top of my glasses, even without my glasses.  I come in each day from my workshop rubbing my neck, readjusting my shoulders and wondering why I'm so uncomfortable.  

One day I picked up my current issue of Art Jewelry Magazine and noticed an ad for jewelers glasses.  Are you kidding me?  Why didn't I think of that?  I've been arching my head in the most insanely uncomfortable positions to help my aging eyes adjust.  

Immediately I went online.  I was ordering those things asap!  But after seeing the price, well, that idea was tossed.  They were more than I pay for my regular specks.  Surely there was something less expensive.  After five minutes at Rio Grande I found the perfect alternative.  And boy are they sexy!

(This beautiful, bright green table top is my sawing/patina table, don't you just love it?)

Okay, so I look like a big geek, but who cares.  The lenses fit nicely over my glasses, they are comfortable, they are a stylish red (which matches my red bandana that I wear on bad hair days) and best of all NO neck ache!  I think I paid $12 for these beauties and it was money well spent.

I don't mind welcoming the coming years as long as I can find ways to keep my aging body from interfering with my daily activities.

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