student teacher

mary jane dodd

'curiosity is the wick in the candle of learning.'
~ william arthur ward

etching is one of my favorite techniques... you can take plain metal and give it a life of its own... at a bead shop i began noticing the possibilities for a lot of the components they had displayed - trays of vintaj, boxes of brass and copper shapes... so i asked if she would be open to an etching class...

the pieces above were made to place around the store so that people could see another side of what was available... i thought about just asking her if she would like me to etch some for sale... but i thought that teaching people how to do it would be so much more fun... 

and, girl, was it!

busy... i love that about classes... how focused everyone becomes...  how people talk and work together... these 7 wonderful women and i spent 3 hours together... (& i learned that 3 hours is not enough time...)

my favorite question - 'what if...'  it is drives me daily... and i love to hear/see that in others... learning something new by whatever avenue then integrating it into your personal arsenal is magical... 'what if... ' is why i keep a journal for my work - because surely i would forget everything that flits through my head... 

it was a fantastic way to spend my friday... i feel badly there are no images of finished work... i had forgotten about taking pictures  as the class went on... 

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