I WON!! I WON!!!!

by Kelli Pope

Last weekend I was browsing (drooling) through handmade beads components on ETSY. I was trying SO hard to be good, as I need to be making more of my own beads. But of COURSE, I came across some really cool "shards" by Marsha Neal, and knew I had to have some. Then I saw this "rugged star" and decided I "needed" it, too.. I behaved and stopped there.

To my surprise, I received an e-mail from Marsha on Monday telling me I'd won her weekend giveaway, and could pick out another $50.00, in merchandise!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!

Now THAT'S how Mondays are supposed to be!!!! I was so busy shopping (drooling) on her site, I didn't even notice the giveaway!!! I was SO excited!!! I dove right in and picked out my merchandise. This is the LOVELY package that greeted me today.

Here is her beautiful postcard... (Makes me realize I really need to re-do mine!!)

And along with the post card was this cute little box.

And inside the box were these cute little individually wrapped treasures.....

YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't wait to use these!! Thanks again Marsha! You made my week!!!!! These pieces are GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I especially love the "rustic" 1/2 moon... it looks like old metal!!

There is just NOTHING like handmade!!! These little pieces of art are going to truly enhance whatever I make.

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