Dog Days Sale and New Pewter Pieces

I've been running around the yard this last month, chasing my tail and trying to keep everything from dying - alas, it looks like I've lost three new trees; there's been NO RAIN! :-(

But, in light of my somewhat futile attempts to save plant lives, I've decided this is the perfect time to have...

A SALE! So, 10 percent off everything, and/or 25% off fashion alphabet bracelets!!! (What that means is, sorry, there's not an additional 10% off the already 25% off fashion alphabet bracelets.) Hopefully, this let's get something good out of this awful drought, right?! (I'll post a discount a.s.a.p.; until then, just order if you'd like, and I'll give the 10% off of whatever you order, and/or 25% off of the fashion alphabet bracelet after you've purchased.)

Also, if you're interested in any of the 'Dirty Braille,' (I've had a lot of requests for the 'f-bomb') or any of the other pewter pieces, such as the 'Touching Words,' pictured on the blog and FB, just ask. Sad to say, we've been so busy with house painting in 100+ degree temps and planting things that need babying in this heat wave, we've yet to post photos with proper buttons!

As we leave tomorrow to drive Ethan to his three-week NFB-CO Indipendence Initiative program, and Spencer goes next weekend to stay with his Nana and Papa in Hot Springs Village, Eric and I are looking forward to two weeks free of any obligations other than our own! BIZARRE!!!

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