Can't live without...

This is one thing in my life I can’t live without.

My coffee maker. 
Oh, do I love my big cup of coffee first thing in the morning.
(Don’t you just dig the cup?  My wonderful mom-in-law gave it to me.)

And these are a few of the things I can’t live without in my workshop.

Hammers (listed in order of love)
-          Ball pein
-          Rawhide mallet
-          Texturing
-          Chasing
-          Riveting
-          Nylon

Bench Block

Mini Torch (it’s brilliant blue – just gorgeous) and all my soldering stuff

My beautiful RED saw

Drill press (well, it’s actually my Dremel on a drill press stand, but it’s perfect)

More files that you can dream about

Disc cutter

Dapping block

Pliers (needle-nose, round-nose, flat-nose and any other kinda nose)

Ring and bracelet mandrels

I know I’m forgetting some of my “tool friends”.
I truly don’t mean to exclude them, but you get the general idea.

Take a look at the items on your workbench, what can you not live without?

(Don't forget to start working on your creation for July's Art Spark.)

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