looking back, looking forward...

mary jane dodd
mary jane dodd - 'portals to awakening' triptych 2011

this post is a continuation of my last... 

i find it interesting when one is guided in a project by thoughts that have so permeated your being that you don't even realize it... until you are done... 

i am leaving 'nascent' behind as my focus word... it has served me well and, in fact, was a key part of the inspiration for these pieces... the pregnant forms... the word 'emerge' in the first form...  

i knew i needed to use a butterfly wing gifted to me by a friend... the word 'fly' from an antique dictionary... and at the last minute the fibers were calling - 

the resin is filled with air bubbles in the final piece - as if these thoughts, these desires come bubbling out as you open... 

but when i began to shoot the images, to take the close up pictures, i recognized that my new word was participating as well as someone else's -  


'we come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.'
(the first closed form with the spiral)

'you were born with potential
you were born with goodness and trust
you were born with ideals and dreams
you were born with greatness
you were born with wings
you are not meant for crawling, so don't.
you have wings, 
learn to use them and fly.'
(the final form)

and my word?


no matter what happens with the submission to the exhibition, i am well pleased with the lessons learned in craft and of self... 

does your work reflect back to you things you don't realize you hold?

wishing you all abundance of love, happiness and good health in the new year... and may you always find the balance in any situation... 

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