Taking it outside Etsy...

by Izzy Winterhart

You may be asking "what is this?".
This beautiful creation was lovingly built by my father-in-law.

You see, I've decided to try to, hopefully, increase sales by selling a few items outside Etsy.
My adorable, eight month pregnant hair dresser has been kind enough
to offer a space in her salon to place a few of my items.

My father-in-law is brilliant when it comes to woodworking.
I give him the tiny bit of an idea and this is what he comes up with.

There is a mirror wrapped up in that brown paper.

See how beautiful the little boxes are to hold my business cards and brochures.

It needs a simple splash of black paint,
mirror installed,
Under a Copper Sky creations added
and voila.
Hopefully lots and lots of sales will be coming my way.

I know many of you do shows,
but how many have your jewelry in shops?
What type of shops?
How are sales?
I'd love to hear about your experiences.

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