guest post - lone arnsted

It all started with a grey mouse

A simple mouse from a grey block of polymer clay. That was the key to open up a creative colorful path that I see myself on. When I after a while dared using the colors I like, there was no way back.

Anyway, back to that first mouse. We had an intern joke about mice going on at work, and I wanted to have some fun at a Christmas party. I decided to make earrings in mice shape. It went well, and made us all laugh.
After the party I simply needed a pendant in the same mouse shape as well. It was like the clay came to life. I could shape a lump of clay into jewelry. I was hooked. I made more mice - and soon discovered that I needed to learn more about this versatile medium.

(editor's note: enlarge this image to see all of the different designs lone used)

In Norway polymer clay is mostly used by children to play with. No books, no online sources and no one to ask. I started searching online and discovered that polymer clay is so much more than I could ever imagine. And the possibilities are endless regarding technique and skills. I love all the detailed little things that make my jewelry a little better.

I started using tutorials, bought books and tools and even went to England once to attend classes. Working with polymer clay never got boring. I could make almost anything. I love my mice, it started as something so fun and satisfying, so I used the shape to try out so many of the techniques available. I even registered my design.
What I end up creating always comes from an idea, a thought or an inspiration from around me. A part of my brain seems to live its own life - just having an endless amount of ideas for me to put to life.

I am so thankful that I can create something on my own. Something out of the box.  A part of me became totally alive and kicking.  Like I had found a hidden treasure inside me. Although I have always been creating, I had never had that experience for very long.

Polymer clay fascinates me as I can turn it into almost anything. I have made a lot of faux walnuts, sea urchins, pebbles and food. As a gift I made faux walnuts to open with little messages inside for a friend. Again, out of the box. It was a huge success.

Before I started claying I had always been knitting sweaters. A little over a year ago I decided to do something about my knitting. The whole world suddenly looked woolly, and I wanted to dive into the soft and warm sea of yarn.
Knitting only sweaters was finally over. The online community, Ravelry, has changed that. I got so inspired and wanted to expand my knitting.
And finally I started learning about colors through knitting books on the subject. Previously I pared colors without really knowing how to obtain a good result.

Instead of choosing one color pared with white, I took my knitting to a new level without white. White is one of the most common colors in norwegian stranded knitting.
I would no longer be true to tradition, but be more like I really am. I simply love bright colors - and I started experimenting and knitted the most colorful jacket I could imagine using only complementary colors. In addition I designed a scarf in alpaca with over a thousand hearts on it. My soul was dancing!

A color wheel help me find colors that work well together. When I knitted a stripy shawl I experimented with bright colors and it made a great effect. The colors actually changes depending on what other color I put next to it. In this case it looks like I used more colors than I really did.

Learning about use of color also has effect on my claying. I love bright jewelry that makes a statement and that is not department store alike. Now my knitted garments and my jewelry goes hand in hand.

I put a lot of meaning into what I create. To create is not just making something. I have to create to feel that I am in the world as me, and not as what others may think I should be. I have a voice, and it is mine. Walking on my creative path I have learned to stand on my own two feet. I use a lot of colors because I love it, and they make me feel good about myself.

And most important, I learned not to care if someone thinks I should get in line and wear black. As Oscar Wilde said: Be yourself - everyone else is already taken. That makes my creating and life so much easier and relaxed.
Through my blogging I really hope to inspire others to go their own way and to find that they are good enough as they are. We are created different and to me, that is what makes our world colorful. I have found my true colors through my creating hands. What else do I need?

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