Guest Post - Genea Crivello-Knable

by Genea Crivell-Knable

Hello friends!

I must say how flattered I was to be asked to write a guest post here in this lovely community. When asked to post I really had no idea where to start so Izzy suggested I write on what inspires me.  Well I would have to say what inspires me is everything around me really....  especially COLOR.


Color spectrum chart.

My "Wing Ding" style beads in a rainbow of colors. I think artists are given special eyes to view the world closely, differently than the average person. I heard that people perceive color differently. I never realized I had a knack for picking colors until I had a friend that didn't have that same gift. I guess sometimes we don't realize certain things we have are gifts and don't realize that not everyone has them. I feel I get my artistic gift and color sense from my mother, whom is an artist as well. Here is a picture of one of her paintings she made me for Christmas. I look at it every day since it hangs just above my computer. It is no wonder I had the idea to see how it translated into glass!


Here is a picture of mom's painting and my bead inspired by her work.


I took this bead a step further and created a pendant so that my mom could wear my interpretation of her painting around her neck. Sometimes I am inspired by scrapbook paper. A certain color palette or pattern might catch my eye. I generally pick up the paper and stick it on my studio wall for inspiration or maybe just walking past it will inspire an idea right away.


I saw this paper at Hobby Lobby and picked it up since I loved the colors. This design and color palette turned into my "Retro Daisy" design! Aren't these colors yummy?! Sometimes my own work inspires me to move in different directions. For instance I created this set of "Tornado Candy" beads back in 2009.


In 2012 I decided to re-visit this design only I started out by making a large focal size. When starting the new design in a focal size, I kept getting ideas so I pushed the design a little further each time until I had created 3 new styles from just a single idea!


From Left to Right:"Tornado Candy", "Tornado Candy Ruffle", "Tornado Candy Ruffle Button", and "Tornado Candy Ruffle Daisy". I truly love bright colors, so naturally that is my color palette of choice. My very favorite colors are lime green and aqua. So sometimes when I have a design idea I start out creating them in my favorite colors. I then like to add in some other favorites like coraly pink or orchid purple. See how well they seem to complement each other?!


I also enjoy working in more earthy colors as well like in my "Desert Serpent" design. Earthy ivory with a smack of rainbow colors.


My newest inspiration comes from one of your very own Love My Art Jewelry artist and designer, StaciSmith! We recently did a bead swap and I received these amazing beads from her.


I was so inspired by them I began to color match my glass to her work and create a special bead set!


We were both so excited about this idea that we are doing a very special project together that we will be revealing  on our blogs soon! I hope that reading this post helps  you put on your "artist eyes" so you can  take a deeper look at the world around you and be INSPIRED!

xo Genea

You can find Genea on:

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