Barbara's Approach to Polymer Clay Vlog Vol. 1

By Barbara Bechtel

Today, I thought I would begin a new video series with my posts addressing my approach to polymer clay. I asked some jewelry artists in a Facebook group what type of video they would like to see me do and the overwhelming response was: POLYMER CLAY...Many wanted tutorials, but I felt like I needed to address some other issues surrounding working with polymer clay, and really any medium before I get into tutorials. There are many tutorials already out there and rather than add to the fray, I want those of you who are curious, to approach polymer clay in a new way.

So, without further ado, I bring you my first vlog for LMAJ:

In my next vlog, I want to tackle TOOLS

What burning questions do you have about polymer clay tools??? 
 Leave your question in the comments and I will try to answer as many as possible in my next vlog!

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