Bead Fest and the beginnings of production

by Barbara Bechtel

In December, as I was evaluating my plans for 2012, I was feeling a bit introspective and thought that this year would be my year for slowing down and reexamining the work I've been making and growing my roots deeper to help strengthen my work.

Not long after I had decided that, I was presented with an opportunity to exhibit at Bead Fest in Philadelphia in August. I was filled with anxiety about making that decision. It didn't seem to fit in with my plans at all. The more I thought about it, the more I began to wonder about this opportunity that the universe was presenting me with:

Perhaps, not only would this help reinforce my goals, but it might teach me a better way to answer the questions I keep asking myself.

Was this not the opportunity that I've worked so very hard for since I began making beads and jewelry over 3 years ago?

What did I stand to lose by jumping in with both feet, instead of sticking in my big toe to keep testing the water?

 image via

 "Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall."
~Ray Bradbury

Unconsciously, I'd had the above image as a screensaver on my phone for several months. What was it that made me put it there in the first place? 

And so, with a giant leap, and a deep breath, I jump!

 the small beginnings of many months of work ahead....

What big LEAPS have made and did you find your wings on the way down?


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