Fun with MissFickleMedia

by Kelli Pope

After my first couple years of making jewelry, I finally found my "zone" as Patti called it. I stopped trying to make what everyone else was making, or what people were asking for, and made what I liked. What I would want to buy and wear. To my surprise, and delight my business just took off!!!!!!!! I was thrilled. No longer was I a "beader". I was finally the jewelry artist I had longed to be. What I'm drawn to is earthy, rustic, casual, natural. I found myself drawn to wood, lava, stones, patinated metals and rustic ceramic beads. That's what I wanted to share with everyone. Soon, someone introduced me to ETSY, and I found Mary Ann Carroll and Shannon Levart (MissFickleMedia). I was SOOOOOOOOO hooked. I knew, if I could made my own beads, and patinated my own metals, it would be very similar to what I found in their work. Their art just spoke to me! Even though I'm finally making my own ceramic beads, I still buy from Mary Ann, and probably always will. She has some glazes and shapes that just scream out to me to buy them. (I've joked with her that I need B.A..... Beads Anonymous.... bead buying is QUITE addictive!! Especially with her beads!)

Below is what I found last week when I opened my last package from Shannon. YUMMY!! Chains and pendants and links, OH MY!!!

And to my absolute delight, it all goes WONDERFULLY with the ceramic beads I just made!!!

Her saffron chain, with my leopard shino beads.
Her aqua chain and pendants with my turquoise beads and pendants! And last but not least, Shannon's "warrior cross". Please check out her blog to read about it. This beauty instantly replaced another dangle on one of my own necklaces. I knew I could not part with it.

I love the way it speaks out on my simple, silver necklace.
Thank you Shannon for your BEAUTIFUL work!!!

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