Who Doesn't Love a Challenge?

Today I am honored to be participating in Erin Prais Hintz's Music Challenge Blog Hop.

Here is what Erin said about the hop.

  • Participation is limited to the first 100 to sign up from February 1st-4th, 2012.
  • Decide on Your Song. Listen to it. Write your thoughts about it. Think about the words and emotions and mood and color and tempo that it evokes. If the lyrics are particularly important to you, find the lyrics and highlight your favorite phrases. Research the singer, the songwriter, the time period or the inspiration for the song.
  • Create an accessory of your choice that evokes that theme song. Any accessory is applicable. Art beads are encouraged, but are not required. Feel free to use your stash!
  • Find a way to share this song on your blog: write out the lyrics, tell us some background information, post a YouTube video of the song. This will be a great way to connect with new music and share your taste and help us see the connection between what you create and the song.
  • Mark Your Calendars: Blog Hop on February 29th

I was blessed to make it into this challenge.  I love to create based on inspiration, and music is such a deep and rich source for me, that I could not wait to play!

Here is a list of the blogs who are participating.  So take a hop and check it out/

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