My enemy, my friend

by Kelli Pope

In my journey to make all handmade components, I fell in love with ceramic beads, and started making my own. As you may recall, I got VERY excited last summer when I was able to invest in my own kiln. (I had a WONDERFUL friend who had been firing my beads for me, up to that point.) The kiln has been calling to me for months! But with shows and special orders, Christmas and work, I just haven't had a chance to stop and make beads to fire.

Finally, last week I spent the entire weekend at my sister's, buried myself in clay, and made beads, beads, pendants, beads and more beads!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't wait to get home on Monday and finally put my investment, my friend, my kiln into action and fire my very own beads!!

a few of my red clay beads and pendants

some of the stoneware creations and my favorite, the black clay

As I'm sure you can tell, all of my work (above is just a fraction of what I made) is still in the green ware stage. While I spent time with a potter a while back, did some research, picked Miss Mary Ann Carroll's brain, and learned some of the lingo, I was not prepared for the science that is kiln firing. I've read the kiln manual, and re-read the kiln manual. Silly me, I just expected it to give me specific firing directions..... "turn on kiln" "for bisque fire, set temperature to cone......." .... sigh... It was not to be. Looks like there may be some trial and error with temperatures and time. So, while I was so very excited to show you my latest work........ we'll just have to settle for the "green" stage for now. Hopefully, with a little help from my friends, and a lot more research, I'll conquer the enemy.. um.... I mean the kiln... and have some finished pieces for the next blog! Wish me luck!! I WILL prevail!! :o) And for all of you experienced potters out there, you have my utmost respect and admiration!

What obstacles have you had to conquer for your art?

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