What I like about making art beads

By staci L. smith

Let me start by saying that I am still new to bead making.  I only started making beads to sell last spring.  I took that big jump, from just making them for my jewelry designs, to making them for everybody else to use, and you know what, it wasn’t easy.  I was afraid no one would buy my jewelry anymore.  I was afraid people would steal my designs.  I was afraid to take on another direction.  But I swallowed hard, put fear aside, and jumped.  Guess what?  I made the right choice.  I am loving this adventure.
Purple Haze- having fun with paints on these hearts

So, here is what I love about making art beads.

1.  They are each a little piece of art all their own.  This allows me to produce more art, more often.  (this is also why I tend to collect art beads from other artists- it’s art collecting, right?)

2.  Because I get to produce more art, more often, I get to try more things, and it keeps me stimulated, I never get bored making beads, like I would sometimes get stringing them.

3.  I don’t have to know what to make.  I can just create, and know someone will find the perfect use for it.  No planning needed.  Total muse, all the way.

4.  I get to paint.  Whether I am painting polymer and getting messy, or putting a patina on some copper and brass, I totally get into the color portion.

5.  I get to see what others envision for my beads.  This is the best part.  I get to see what others do, and it may not be something I would have thought of, and it’s like we just collaborated.  I made a bead, and they brought it to life.  ( I have a flickr group where you can upload jewelry made with my components, so please share, I’d really love to see what you made)
This was an experiment that turned out well- polymer and metal brought together

I could go into a million little details of what I like about it, but that’s it for now.

As I am getting ready for my first bead show (deep breath) in March, I found myself making lists of what I should make, how many, and on and on.  It was all getting very stressful.  (That is actually what prompted this post.)  What I love about making beads most is the freedom.  I think my beads reflect that, and they are new every time because of that.  So I can’t go and try to make so many of this, and so many of that, because I think they will lose something.  So I am off to play.  It’s a little scary, but I think it will all work out, and whatever I take to the show will be good enough.

So I leave you with these questions…………………

Do you make art beads?  If so, what do you love about it?

Do you collect art beads?  Why?  Who?

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