on being a woman

mary jane dodd

i came into this world a female... 

for one reason or another, have you ever repressed something so deeply that it was almost forgotten?  i recently realized that identified with myself as a human... but not a woman... 

this integral part of me has been rising in my work... the balance that is all of us... it had been rising before i was conscious of it... and waited for a time when i was safer to explore it... 

complex and simple, strong and fragile, soft and tough, silly and witty, practical and imaginative, centered and kinetic, firm and yielding, always loving, on and on... 

i had made a simpler 'urban posey' before... but here i wanted to layer the petals, to use different papers and wire... to etch the metal... use softly colored silk... and have it move... 

resin paper has allowed me to speak softly, silk fiber to create a balance to metal... to demonstrate fragile strength... materials reflect intention... and allow you to wear your heart on your finger... 

what materials speak for you?

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