What is YOUR signature color?

Can't you just hear Julia Roberts in Steel Magnolias? "Pahnk is mah signatchuh culah!" :)

I remember hearing that line, thinking at the time, that's silly, who the heck has a signature color?? Well, apparently I do! As a jewelry artist or beadmaker, do you find yourself drawn to one certain color, or color scheme? If you've seen my work, you know I love earthy and rustic, but have you noticed all of the turquoise? (Lucky for me it's supposed to be one of THE colors this Fall. It just pulls me in like a magnet. All shades of blues and greens do, actually. My sister attributes it to being a water sign, Pisces. I think I just like the tranquility.

After so many recent shows, I've placed quite a few orders for beads and components the last couple weeks to restock. Tonight I had 2 especially wonderful packages to open. (Don't you just LOVE opening up new beads you've ordered!! ) One from our own LMAJ artist, Barbara Lewis the other from Gaea. I actually laughed out loud when I laid them out on the table. I just knew I'd found my Friday blog post.
Funny, huh? No, I didn't order them all to match. And yes, the first thing I thought of was "Spring", Easter eggs, baby chicks, bunnies..... But aren't they beautiful!!!
These are the other wonderful, enameled beads that arrived from Barbara, which are going to work wonderfully with beads I already have on hand from Mary Ann Carroll and Elaine Ray.

Are you still laughing about my Spring color palette of beads? Well, fear not. I will be able to pair them with some earthier, warmer colors that will work for Fall.
So, what is YOUR signature color?

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