a sci-fi/fantasy upbringing.


well into it's first year, this blog has grown into something strange & wonderful. i originally intended on it being a place where i shared pictures of my art//jewelry//novella in progress, but it quickly became a place where i shared all the inspirations to my work instead, with the occasional confessional post. today is one of those occasions because it marks the day i lost someone whom i loved & will be forever haunted/influenced by.
ever since i was young, i was shown movies of a fantastical nature, such as 'the dark crystal' (image above) which came out a year after my birth. other movies, such as 'willow', 'the last unicorn' & 'labyrinth' all put me under a similar spell whose ripples extend out to my current self, at the cusp of 28. my point of view has always come from this surrealist, speculative place & for that, i have him to thank. i hope you are resting well somewhere, someplace.

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