happy 5th birthday Trinity Framing!!!!

part of the reason that i both love // hate living in this 'small town' city philly is that the smallness of it sometimes allows you to find people & places with whom you really connect with//share similar interests with. one such place is trinity framing in philly, who are celebrating their 5 year anniversary this week!. back when i was bartending and had extra $$$ for original art, i would take all of it to trinity to get it framed. they have a real passion for low-brow art (they frame a lot of work for the joshua liner gallery in nyc) and took really great care and time with each piece i brought in. their friendliness and enthusiasm is refreshing in a city where sometimes people are a little harsh. if you live in philly i recommend you getting your work or your art collection framed there, i promise you will not be disappointed.

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