

i'm attempting to change things up a bit around here & the first change is to have a weekly date with you here, to share the things i've been interested in every thursday. 

Victorians:iI love this tumblr: fyeahvictorians. it's filled with photographs, advertisements, paintings etc etc from one of my favorite eras.

8 tracks: this site is reinventing the art of the mix tape. users upload digital 'mix tapes' that are free to listen to. lately i've been joined at the rib to users schkelly, & one of my favorite online friends: ghoul next door. perfect for when you're sick to death of your ipod and need new music. 

Magic Boots: it's nearly october & i've been digging all the boots in stores now. as a year round boot girl i always look forward to this season & these claw boots by gee wa wa are by far my current favorites.

Shadow Selves: currently on my to-read list once i've plowed through 'the children's hospital' is Conjunctions # 54, a special issue of our 'shadow selves' filled with stories and poems that meditate on our inner and outer selves. 

Justice: tomorrow night at johalla projects gallery in chicago, Wild Card, a group show featuring 21 artists interpretations of the tarot opens. the show includes artists such as heather gabel, alexis mackenzie and me! wish i could be there & hope to share pictures soon.

*feautred: 'milky zone system' photo.

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