
by Izzy Winterhart

I think the last time I spent quality time in my studio was a few weeks ago to make a special order for a customer and then some earrings for my favorite animal charity to sell at a venue.  These past few months I've been consumed with all things plant related in my yard.  It's the first time in my life I've had a yard this size and the freedom to create an amazing tapestry with Mother Nature's tools.  It seems this year especially my heart has been overwhelmed with the love I have for this house and yard.  To plant something in just the right spot so it can seep it's roots so sweetly into the dirt.  To watch it slowly reach out to the morning sky with leaves full face to the sun.  Being able to spend some much needed time outside in the company of our Barred Owl family and waiting to see their babies emerge from the nest.  Getting dirty and reconnecting with my earth worm totem.

Not to be too personal here, but I found my birth mother a little over three years ago.  Although she passed soon after that, my heart is so grateful to have found her.  I desperately needed to know that I had roots and was so happy to not only see that I did, but also to learn that those roots were connected to an amazing, feisty, sweet woman.  And now every plant that is lovingly placed in this yard is dedicated to her.  She gave me the roots I needed so that I could reach up, full face to the sun and embrace a new chapter in my life.

So today I thought it might be appropriate to add a few Etsy finds that show what I feel...

 Thanks for visiting today and I hope you all have a wonderful Wednesday!

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