guest post - deborah lee taylor

The Way of wabi sabi by Deborah Lee Taylor

“Appreciate this and every moment, no matter how imperfect, for this moment is your life.
When you reject this moment, you reject your life. 
You don’t have to settle for this moment, you are free to steer a different course, 
but for now, this moment is yours, so be mindful to make the most of it.” 
–from Living Wabi Sabi

Mistakes are our greatest treasures; we only need to allow ourselves to accept them gracefully.

We’ve all felt the influence of  ‘perfection’ is happiness. The perfect house, perfect job,  perfect love, even  in our Art, we wish for perfection. The If Only, the When I… I myself have heard since childhood, ‘if only you  you would be perfect’. Through my own suffering of striving for perfection, I have come to know the true beauty of the meaning 'perfectly imperfect'.  Through the practice of wabi sabi, I realized, to strive for perfection is a means of limiting your true creative Self. 

'Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering.
There is a crack, a crack in  everything. 
That’s how the light gets in.
 –Leonard Cohen

My wabi sabi work is my meditation in motion so to speak, to be in the moment of what I am creating, allowing my hands to manifest my thoughts into a piece of art.  In this way of being there is no room for judgment... only love for what I am creating.  There is no measuring or plan I follow, I just create.  This is my way of seeing life as it is meant for us to see and experience... the joy and endless beauty within ourselves, and honoring and accepting the perfectly imperfect.  The way of wabi sabi. 

you can find deborah's work in these places:
flickr account
etsy shop - e5jewelry
facebook page
and a feature with happy mango beads

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