
by Izzy Winterhart

For each month's Art Spark challenge, I find myself outside looking for inspiration because mother nature offers up an unending supply.  This months challenge was no different.  As soon as I read Mary Jane's challenge for this month, I grabbed my camera and ran outside.  After all, a challenge about color and movement in October should be about fall, right?

Well, that's one interpretation...

My husband and I have spent the entire spring, summer and the first two weeks of fall outside.  We have built two decks, a zen inspired walkway, planted trees, shrubs and a billion plants and still aren't finished.  Sure, I can find ample amounts of inspiration outside...  But, how is that a challenge?

I went back inside and turned my creative thoughts in a different direction.  As soon as I came into the house I immediately I saw this.

My lovely mantle.  I have to brag a little here and say that we have a beautiful home.  I have worked hard to make this house a cozy, warm home and I'm quite proud of it.  So why not use the items in my home for inspiration?  

I love this basket.  I love the yellow peeking through the muted colors of bark.  And, of course, I've stuffed it full of branches to bring the outside in.  So, back to the challenge.  How do I turn this creation into a creation of my own?  Ah, that my friend is why it's called a challenge.  

I'm thinking outside my typical jewelry style box and I'm reaching for something different.  Perhaps copper and silk...  Ah, perhaps silk weaved in copper.  Maybe.  Color and movement.  While I'm figuring out my submission for this month's Art Spark I hope you are working on your own.  Be sure to check out the Flickr group to see what I've come up with.  I think you'll be surprised.  I think I might just surprise myself.

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