You people are truly strutting your stuff...

by Izzy Winterhart

I love to check our Flickr group
Every creation amazes me.

Here are some of my favorites...

This beauty is from our own MaryAnn.
I love it because it reminds me of winter...
I so long for the cold weather.

These beauties are made by Erika.
Great everyday jewelry.
Would be so cute with a tee and jeans.

I LOVE the color orange.
It's associated with the 2nd chakra.
This is why the bedroom in our last house was painted burnt pumpkin.
Woo hoo!
Serious, Pennee P, this is a gorgeous piece.

I'm not sure if there is anything Lu hasn't made thus far that I don't covet.
This piece is no exception.

This awesome creation is by our talented and very sweet, Staci.
I just love the combo of the orange and turquoise.

Rebecca aka Adobe Sol created this gorgeous pair of earrings...
You know me, I'm a sucker for copper so I just adore these.

Mary, are you kidding me?
This is so insanely brilliant!
Just beautiful!

Kristi, these are a delightful combo of color.
So earthy!

LeAnn, you know I love everything you make!!

No I didn't.
How tacky of me to throw something of mine in here...

Lastly, there is this ditty from Patty.
One word - dazzling.
You are so talented!

If you haven't thrown your stuff over on this Flickr group,
what are you waiting on???

Go ahead, strut your stuff!!

"Creativity is inventing,
taking risks,
breaking rules,
making mistakes,
and having fun."
~Mary Lou Cook

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