August ART SPARK Challenge!!!

Over the last 8 months or so, my husband and I have faced some of the most challenging times in our 20 years together. As we go through all of this, I know that regardless the outcome, we will be ok. No matter what happens, we'll get through it together. At some of the toughest moments, I've been reminded of my mother's words of wisdom... "count your blessings". As a young adult, I tended to disregard those words, just knowing I, in all my OWN incredible wisdom, (pshh! yeah, right!!) could figure it all out. Over the years, I've come to embrace those words. When times are tough, or I'm down, I remember some of the incredible blessings in my life:

- my wonderful, amazing husband

- my incredible family

- the roof over my head, and job that I have

- my beautiful dogs, who ALWAYS look at me adoringly

- my parents who have been married over 50 years

- a wonderful church family

-friends who know and love me

- a beautiful, healthy granddaughter

- faith beyond understanding

And I KNOW that happiness is a choice. There is SO much beauty and goodness in life, how can we not be happy? The good FAR, FAR outweighs the bad. And it's usually the most simple things that make me happiest; the sun on my face, the smile and laughter of a child, a hug, blue skies, the wagging tails of my dogs EVERY time I enter a room, the promise from a rainbow, my best friend who knows just what to say or NOT to say, flowers in bloom, a call from my mom, making jewelry..............

So, here it is. The Challenge.


Think about what makes you happy, and let it inspire you. My favorite flowers are daisies. They are just such "happy" flowers.

And here are the rules:

1. Take pictures of your creation and upload it to our Flickr account.
2. Leave a description of your thought process. How does your creation fit the theme "HAPPY" ?
3. Since we promote "handmade", your piece must be at least 75% handmade. It may include handmade components by other artists, just please give credit to the artist in your description.
4. Only one submission per entrant, please. But you can and should include up to 3 images of that submission.

5. HAVE FUN with this!!! Hopefully the creating will make you "happy"!!!!!! Check in often to see the entries. The link to our Flickr site can be found on the blog sidebar.

So, what does all this "happiness" get you?

The winner will receive............

............drum roll please.............

Fabulous cabachon from Cabbing Rough

Gorgeous links from Staci Louise
Beautiful bead by Luciatremont
This incredible collection of links and pendants
from Mamacita..................AND...

one month with your winning design displayed on our blog and one YEAR displayed on our website. Both will have links to your shop, blog, etc. if you have them. If not..... that's okay too!!! Your design will be displayed regardless. So, don't feel like having a shop or a blog is mandatory.

I know all these prizes are SURE to make you HAPPY!!!

What are you waiting for? Start creating, and "come on, get HAPP-EEEEEEEEE!!!" :)

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