Giveaway Winner!

The winner of DSK's LE EOS Lipbalm Set Giveaway is...

Jessiicuh :) !!!

Please e-mail me with your name and address for your prize!
I'm going to include one of my DSK Jewelry pieces as an added gift for you as well because this is my jewelry blog after all! ^_^ I appreciate your support in my jewelry blog everyone!

Thank you all for joining! I will post more giveaways soon. Minh, my friends and I love reading all of your fun comments! I had 16 entries here, and 47 entries at my beauty blog! lol
It makes more sense since it is a beauty related prize, but I figured it would be to fun to share with my readers on this blog as well. :D


Thank you for joining the fun!

Check my beauty blog if you entered over there as well. : )

My dog Wally just chewed up my purple Passion Fruit lipbalm egg! Sigh..they're the same size as the doggie tennis balls he plays
I need to go pick up another set for myself! I hope they still have them!

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