bones dipped in roses.


for weeks now i've been feeling quite ill with rarely a rational lucid moment, but finally it seems i've been adjusting to both quitting soda and the devil high-fructose corn syrup as well as reeling in my animal product consumption. these are choices due in part to health issues as well as becoming more educated on the treatment of animals, which i suppose we all know instinctually, but is quite another thing to see it or read about it in detail all-together. however, i've always been one against preaching or judging people for their lifestyles, likes, dislikes and what have you, so please don't misunderstand my sharing of this new development in my life as either of these. (this comes from developing an aversion to authority due to years at a christian boarding school) it was comforting to hear so many of you struggling with similar issues in your comments on my passion post.

anyway, i just added some new rose gold pieces to my line as it seems that while my writing skills drop tremendously during times of illness, i'm still able to conjure new jewels. go figure.
 so i offer a baby owl skull  and a crow claw, both re-imagined in lovely rose gold plate for your delight in the shoppe, with still more new things to come in anticipation of persephone returning with spring. 

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