Metal crazy!!!

by Kelli Pope

After years of making jewelry, I felt the need to expand my horizons, and increase the creativity in my designs. I had a love for anything metal, especially rustic, handmade metal pendants and sculptures. I purchased a book, The Complete Metalsmith by Tim McCreight (very technical!), bought my first torch, and some sheet metal. I did research on the internet, but after weeks, I just couldn't bring myself to light that torch in my studio!! I had the knowledge and the tools, but I just couldn't do it. Yep..... I could hear my mother's voice saying, "You'll burn the house down!!" I knew I was going to need some hand's-on training before I could do it on my own. Luckily, I found a 6 week metalsmith course at a local college and signed up. My husband and I both went and had a BALL! Lighting the torch in someone else's studio was SO easy!! :)
Better yet, I learned to saw my own shapes from sheet metal, and gained much more respect for the time involved in the process. The soldering, sanding, grinding, sanding, polishing, hammering, sanding, heating, (did I mention sanding?) is time consuming, but so worth it when a piece you envisioned comes to life. There is just COMPLETE and absolute joy in creating something with your own hands.

Something handmade. Handmade by you.

Whether it's forged metal, sculpted clay, precious metal clay, lampwork glass.. wherever your heart leads you, follow it. If you have a creative spirit, you know you have no choice but to create.

Here are some vendors I use that sell sheet metal and wire. Who are your favorites?

At the above site, you'll actually find a WONDERFUL tutorial on working with sheetmetal. No torch required :)

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