Who is that woman?

Hi, I'm LeAnn. I'm not strictly brand new to LMAJ. I've been operating a little behind the scenes with the Call to Create Flickr site and other odd jobs. I'm primarily a maker of jewelry components. I started out as a potter and then became enthralled with all things small. But let me back up a little.

When I was a young girl, my father taught me how to silver solder and do lapidary work. He made all of his own equipment and I loved the smell of oil on a grinding wheel while I turned slices of stone into cabachons to be set in silver. I loved the torch too. Watching solder flow into a mercury like stream as it melts is just something I really couldn't get enough of.

But I grew up and did other things. Then nearly 20 years ago I picked clay again after not touching it since my high school art classes. Another love affair and a potter was born. A couple of years ago I started making buttons and then beads and pendants. A new obsession.

Recently, I've picked up the torch again, throw in a bit of etching and metal clay, and am happily combing all of my loves into one. Dad would be shocked to see me working in brass and copper. But times change and I am excited to be creating jewelry components with my own two hands. And I am super excited to be part of Love My Art Jewelry!

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