Cooper-Hewitt Museum's People's Design Award

My really great husband, Eric, a University of North Texas design prof, nominated my braille alphabet bracelet for a Cooper-Hewitt Museum People's Design Award. I would be thrilled to make it to finals - it would mean more awareness of braille, and be pretty cool, to boot!

So, if you would, take a moment to go to this link and vote; it's a vote for braille literacy awareness!

I'll be taking a couple of jewelry classes this weekend that will, I'm sure, boost my creative juices, giving me the impetus for designing in a few new directions with new materials. Look for some fun new pieces in the next couple of weeks!

Thanks so much and best to you!

If you're interested in purchasing a braille alphabet bracelet, here's a handy buy me button!

Braille Alphabet Bracelet: $47.50

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