happy 2nd birthday to bloodmilk give a way

bloodmilk turns 2 this month! i can't believe how fast the time has gone and how far the jewelry has come. as a big thank you to any of you who have read this blog, said a nice word, bought a piece of bloodmilk, i'm offering up a give a way of my favorite piece from my new work,
this ring is delicate and dark and very dramatic as it stands an inch off the finger! The contest is open until Saturday June 19th! The one winner will be chosen by a random generator.

to enter to win, simply visit the amazing site HAUTE MACABRE and leave a comment to

i wish you all luck! special thanks to the ladies at HM who are hosting my give a way. if you don't do so already, follow their site, it's filled with lovely & dark finds from the amazing staff of writers.

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