Diamond iPad Makes Reading More Fun

Diamond gadget alert! It was only a matter of time, jewelry hounds.

For those luxury-minded folks who like their reading devices to cost as much as their recalled Toyotas, Mervis Diamond Importers has already figured out a way to slap a bunch of diamonds on the Mac iPad for a mere $19,999.

Yup, 20gs will get you a blinged-out piece of plastic to impress all the folks in the Frequent Flier Lounge while you skim through the latest John Grisham, Jackie Collins or 'Barack Obama is a foreign, socialist, who will ruin our country' tell-all.

I assume Paris Hilton won't be standing in line to get hers (I'm thinking she's not a big reader. Just a hunch), but for those of you who want to shell out the clams, you'll get nearly 12 carats of ice to go with your gadget, according to Mervis.

So if you had the money, would you get a diamond iPad (or iPhone, iPod, MacBook, Blackberry, etc.)? There appears to be a market for these things, but I have yet to meet someone who owns one. Maybe I'm running with the wrong crowd?

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