
Gold jewelry will always make my heart sing (despite the skyrocketing price these days), but there are some folks who take their gold obsessions to ridiculous heights.

Sure, we've heard of gold iphones, gold cars and gold fashion - but some folks want to trade in their Evian for a fancy bottle of gold-leaf spring water at a price you won't believe.

Billed by Exousia Luxury as an 'anti aging and anti-stress elixir', the company is putting natural spring water in a fancy bottle, throwing in some 24 karat gold petals and calling it the fountain of youth. Think Goldschlager for the health conscious.

So how much does it cost? Well, that's a big secret. You have to fill out a form on their website to qualify for that information, apparently. (Is this the Soho House or glorified tap water?). HOWEVER, this entry on the Luxury Insider site claims one bottle is $24,000! Seriously!!

I suggest staying young by indulging in a little gold retail therapy instead. These gold hoops from JCPenney are under $50 on Jewelry.com - just one example of many gold gems you can get without taking out a second mortgage to quench your thirst.

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