Nice Notes

Hi Leslie,
I just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the awesome personal service and quality jewelry I purchased from you.  When I was searching for something personal to give a friend to lift her spirits I happened upon your blog and you gave the piece a personal touch that will make all the difference.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate the personal service and input you gave, you make beautiful jewelry that has purpose.
Thanks Again,  Rusty

Hi Leslie,
I am so sorry it took a few weeks to finally get to thank you.
The bracelet you made for my student was absolutely beautiful!  The entire team of teachers who contributed towards the gift loved it and many joked that they were keeping it for themselves.  When we presented the bracelets to her parents to bring to Lauren at the hospital it brought tears to their eyes. 
Thank you so much for rushing this order and for creating such a beautiful bracelet.
Tina Wallace
Teacher of the Visually Impaired & Blind
Eastern Suffolk BOCES

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