Home > turquoise > Dreaming of spring
Dreaming of spring
Posted on Monday, February 25, 2008 by Jewelry making supplies New York City
The sky was that deep blue color that only comes once or twice a year, and the sunlight was glinting off the ice and snow in a way that made her feel anything was possible. She could see into the very heart of the earth where the irises slept, curled up in their corms, dreaming of spring.
Her breathing slowed, and she dreamed their dreams, folded tight in her own corm, held fast by her own roots. She was locked into winter, and had been for many years. She stirred and smiled a tiny smile, imagining her petals unfurled.
© 2008 Cynthia Newcomer Daniel
Sterling silver, opal, and Sleeping Beauty turquoise ring. Hand fabricated.
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