Jen of for DSK Jewelry

Do you girls know Jen? She's so cute! & totally wears DSK Jewelry!!! BONUS! lol
I've been reading her blog and watching your youtube since I woke up : )
One of her viewers spotted her wearing DSK Jewelry, and she tweeted me, hehehe I feel so loved!

You must visit her page & youtube! She's too beautiful for words. ^_^
Visit Jen's Website:

Her Youtube Tutorial on Bridal Makeup!
(I love the song in this video...RAIN's "I Do"
How perfect right?

This is my friend Jen, please don't steal her picture.
Also, don't steal her pic and pretend to be her too. lol
There's a lot of that going around lately 0_o

Jen's wearing her DSK Bubbi Moonlight Necklace :)

*Sighh of happiness* I love seeing my jewelry on you girls, it makes me so happy!!!

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