& the winner is............

to pick the winner i made a list of everyone's name who commented. then i randomly choose 24 tarot cards from my lovely salvador dali deck. amanda then shuffled them up until her heart's content and handed me each card which i then listed next to a name on my list, in order, so each one of you has your own tarot card. they are listed below so if you want to go check out what the card that was drawn for you means, you can over here at learn tarot. there are many other resources online and in books, but i find this one very accessible, especially for beginners. here is a source that outlines the meanings of reversed cards, since so many of you got them and the above website doesn't go into detail about the meanings of reversed cards. 

** EDIT** please don't be alarmed if your card seems "bad." investigate further on the internet or library, or get a true reading from a skilled reader in person. i only give "true" readings in person, when i get a sense of that person and their energy. xoxoxo  

leila: the tower reversed
lady fox and hound:the magician reversed
swashbuckleher: the world reversed
get ready set go: 8 of swords
danielle v: 7 of pentacles
rachel: 3 of swords
claire: the high priestess reversed 
sojournher: temperance 
mariarita: the devil reversed 
sue: the moon
jtk: the empress
keri: the star
joanne waryga: the hanged man reversed 
morgan: the ace of pentacles reversed
the giveaway diva: the sun
beth: the lovers
jen: strength
planet caroline: death
heather jean: king of pentacles
choklit: judgement
kelly patton: 9 of swords
verse: queen of swords
mon victorian: 2 of cups reversed 
pop culture casualty: 10 of pentacles reversed 

so after this list was compiled, amanda and i took turns shuffling the deck, and then i picked the winner!!!!
Ingrid from POP CULTURE CASUALTY!!!! who was the very last person to comment!
when we were picking the winner, my little BT daisy jumped in my lap to be in the photo too!
SO thank you all again for entering my contest, it was a lot of fun to hear all of your reactions to my work! 

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