Goggly Goggly

Movie Poster

I love movies. Ever since I was little I would fall in love with a movie and become fixated on it. I would watch it again and again, and just as my father recently told me, each time I would watch it, it would be like the first time again; I would still be excited as if I didn't know the ending. The movies of this mentioned childhood were mainly fantasy oriented: 'Willow', 'The Dark Crystal', and 'Legend' among others. I firmly believe these fantastical movies shaped my current aesthetics...which leads me to "The Fall". I had desperately wanted to see it when it was out in theathers in May and never got the chance. ( I really wish now, more than ever, that I had gotten to see it on the big screen.)
'Mae West' Salvador Dali

Besides the brillant and moving writing, the imagery is sensational. There were touches of Dali's landscape/portrait double paintings as well as hints of 'The Cell' (which the visionary  Tarsem also directed) 

The masked bandits. I love this look. I'd really like to incorporate it in my new paintings series that I'm starting.
Charles Darwin. I love the patterns in this still....such lovely and precise detail!

I know this movie will become one of the films I watch again and again. Rent it, buy it, watch it now!!!

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