Wednesday Lovelies

Riikka Sormunen hails from the magical sounding city of Helsinki and makes some of the most interesting and refreshing paintings I've stumbled on lately. She is an alumni of the sweet Internet magazine, Ruby Mag of Spain.

In the past I admit I was suspicious of digital artists (aside from the amazing! Ray Cesar) but lately I've been enchanted by the work of Natalie Shau, who will have a solo show at the Dorothy Circus Gallery in March of 2009. This portrait is my favorite thus far....I have a thing for the palest and bloodiest of beauties, especially when mixed with a religious vibe.

The lovely Tara McPherson has some new work forthcoming in the group show 'Inside Nostalghia', also at Dorothy Circus Gallery, which boasts, among others, to have work by the apocalypse queen Camille Rose Garcia, who it seems rarely participates in group shows.(Someone get me to Rome!)
I saw Tara's work in person over at Jonathan LeVine gallery earlier this year and was blown away by the near flawless execution of her heartless otherworldly ladies. Via.
Although I don't consider myself a person interested in politics; I find that it mostly distracts me from my inner fictional life, I try to know what's going on during election campaign fever, to have the most educated vote as possible....It may be true that we will all be taking a gamble on our vote, not truly knowing if our elected President will be who he says he will be, I still think, especially as a woman, that its important to go out and vote. 

I find this photo to be incredibly touching and human, a little spy slice of love. 

As for me, I'll be married to my love in ten days!

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